Collection: Try Our Signature Product - Saunf Juice Pre-Mix!

Quench your thirst and spark a new love for flavour with our Premix Saunf Juice. It’s a sip of surprise, a taste that’s truly a treasure. From a journey of joy to a flavour so fresh and unique, you’ll be craving more. Refresh, rejoice, and relish the pure pleasure of saunf in every drop.

It’s full of good stuff like vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that help you stay healthy. This tasty juice helps your skin look great, cleans your blood, and keeps your body free from harmful stuff. It also helps stop bad cells that can make you sick. Plus, it’s great for keeping a healthy weight and makes your tummy feel better if you’re feeling bloated or have heartburn. Enjoy every drop and feel the goodness!

Avoid if you are allergic to fennel seeds, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Spend Less, Get More!!!

From One Pre-mix pack you can enjoy atleast 10 glasses of juices. Can you believe it, it's less than a dollar per drink of premium quality and rich taste!